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The Multiplying Architecture @ Kie Live


Some days ago, I was invited by Alex Porcelli and Karina Varela to talk about Multiplying Architecture at KIE live. It was a lot of fun, and I had a really good time.

If you are not aware yet of what Multiplying Architecture is, here is a quick summary:

Multiplying Architecture is a set of patterns, techniques, and libraries that, using micro frontends and some innovative backend services, allow for the re-use of the tooling component in different distribution mediums.

Such an architecture enables the Business Automation product line to offer the best native experience of GUI components (Editors and Views) on VS Code (BPMN and DMN), Web (dmn.new and bpmn.new), Desktop, and directly integrated them on GitHub(Chrome Extension).

Thanks again, Karina and Alex, for inviting me to the show.